Tuesday, December 29, 2015

ARIES  Mar 21 - Apr 20

You are likely to find that you are now focused on your life as a working whole, that is, you are prone to looking at the integrity of all of the elements of your life as they are working or not working in respect to your life path and especially insofar as all of your current activities compliment your working life, career and position that you take in respect to your family, be that as care-provider or "breadwinner."  At this time it is rather less likely that you will be simply satisfied to see things "intuitively" and in terms of probability, rather, you want certainty now - you really want to see all the cards on the table and to take a totally conscious and deliberate view of what you are involved with and with what you can and cannot control.
TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 

This should be a good period in which to express yourself both artistically and romantically.  You are quite likely to feel more inspired to express a positive attitude in relation to a potential or actual romantic partner now as you are more likely to be attuned, in spirit and attitude, to the wholeness of your life experiences, that is you are more able to see the complete forest now, instead of just seeing the trees and for that reason you are significantly less prone to allow small setbacks or disruptions to your overall path in life to move you off that path or stop you from moving in the right direction and in expressing optimism.  The openness and optimism that you express now is attractive to others and creates a sort of romantic aura about you.  There is a greater urge now to express your feelings through art and creativity in general and in that way you will find a venue for sharing your personal expression of life in an openhearted way.
GEMINI  May 21 - June 21

At this time you may feel tested in your relationships, both with others in general and more in particular, with individuals with who you form interpersonal relationships.  This reference, by way of contrast, does not include your experience now with "ideas" or with your experiences with "things' (objects.)  Rather it is people interaction now that may prove to be the more challenging part of your life.  And we can narrow this down, not so much to group interaction but rather to individuals in your life who may be either close to you or who you must interact with now on some level of significance such as with a business partner or a professional consultant, for example. It is doubtful that the one-on-one relationships that you experience now will be of the type that is light and dynamic in nature as the type of interaction that you experience now may have more of a serious or strong practical component and may involve restrictions and your own personal frustrations regarding same.  You may find yourself now focusing on the balance involved in the relationship/s in the "give and take" aspect - fairness may be brought into question and this may be especially the case in respect to individuals with whom you share a valued resource asset or active project.  Responsibilities on both sides or on one side may become an issue, especially where "partnerships" have been established.  As well marital partnership may become a concern in terms of the interaction of the individual partners and the responsibilities that lie therein.  Any type of agreements that you have with another individual currently, especially contractual agreements, should involve your utmost scrutiny as well as honor on both sides - the point being that there may be a need, perhaps not easily established, for a balanced give and take.
CANCER  June 27 - July 23

This should prove to be an excellent time for recreational social activities as your spirit will tend to be more light, happy and festive than typically.  This is also a time in which you are more apt to feel romantic and to generally be more interested in pleasurable engagements and  entertainment in general.  This influence may bring a disinclination towards self-discipline and certainly self-imposed hardship.  You are more likely to be interested now in cloths, fashions and even jewelry and are apt to be more focused on your appearance now.  The dramatic and fine arts may also begin to hold more of an attraction for you now and you may find that your entertainment manifests in the movie theater.
LEO  July 24 - Aug 23

There may be times, at present, in which you find that the romantic department of your life presents some tension and difficulties.  The best way to view and approach this is to maintain your integrity in relation to any situations where you are prompted to compromise your values - you may have to shut the door in relation to another who would be inclined to use you and who may not have sufficient regard or respect for you - do not compromise your values or integrity.  You may also have to be patient now and even if you experience a little bit of loneliness, at times, it is likely that you will see that state as far more valuable to your well-being, in comparison to a situation where you  jump the gun in a mode of impatience and find yourself in a very uncomfortable relationship.  This is a good time for projects requiring a good measure of creativity but you will need to be disciplined and to become quite structured in your methods of procedure.
VIRGO  Aug 24 - Sept 23

This will likely be a time of increased self-confidence and strength of self-expression.  You will likely project your personality more dramatically than usual.  You may find yourself attracting more attention than usual and it would be wise to check yourself now for increased vanity and competitiveness - keep in mind that humility is a virtue if you find yourself tempted to blow your own horn now.  This is a time when you will be more inclined towards seeking entertainment and pleasurable pursuits and you will likely feel more romantic than typically.  You may have a stronger and more intense interest in the arts now - this would be a good time for seeing a movie or reading a novel.  Be careful not to take too many risks now as there may be a strong inclination to gamble with things of value.  Recreational pursuits may be indulged in to a greater degree now, than usual.
LIBRA Sept 24 - Oct 23

At this time the foundational aspect of your life will play a major role and will likely either be at the forefront of your mind or be intuitively drawing on your awareness.  Your home and family will take on a major role and gain the focus of your attention.  Your focus may be taken up with home improvement or interior and exterior decorating now.  Activities such as painting, buying new furniture or home renovation in general may kick into play now.  Interaction and identification with family members may also take on a central role in your life currently.  More extensively, identity with your community may now become important to you, including your residential environment in general, in fact some under this influence may begin to consider a residential move.  All of these issues may significantly impact on or be quite tied up with your sense of emotional security and certainly, if anything, you will find yourself to be more sensitive now, especially in respect to those issues that you directly or indirectly identify as being the basis of your existence or roots.  You may be more in touch with your preconscious mind now and for that reason your dreams may have a seemingly greater impact on you at this time - if so, be mindful of the content of those dreams as there may be an important message there.  
SCORPIO  Oct 24 - Nov 22

Communications in general and conversations in particular will be characterized by cheerfulness and goodwill now.   It is quite likely that you will gain inspiration and optimism through conversations with another (or others in general) at this time.  Your mind is agile now and your thinking quite quick and "creative."  You may find that your current thinking becomes rather "logistical" in nature and varied in content - in fact you become rather mentally restless at this time unless your mind finds a problematic or challenging situation that requires a type of creative solution based thinking.  This would be a good time for letter or report writing.
SAGITTARIUS  Nov 23 - Dec 21

You may be rather uncertain about your financial life at this time - it is probably best to suspend any decisions around that facet of your life until later when you have more certainty about that concern - it especially important that you take heed in respect to any intuitions that you have now in regard to anyone trying to deceive you about financial concerns.  You may feel the need to make small personal sacrifices out of love and compassion for another at this time.  Beware of getting involved in any type of romance now that "necessitates" a "behind the scenes" secrecy based scenario as that could be very much to your own undoing.
CAPRICORN  Dec 22 - Jan 20

You may find that at this time the spotlight is on you regardless of whether or not you want it to be. This will be a significant time for exercising your strength of character and maintaining your integrity. Your personality is stronger now and more projective and your energy level is likely higher than usual as well.  This would be a good time to act in a rather independent manner and from the inner-most core of your own personality.  Be careful not to come across to others at this time in a manner that is excessively confident or arrogant.  This would be a good time to demonstrate your values through constructive examples in contrast to just "talking the talk."  You may feel rather independent at this time and more inclined to "go it alone"  but at the same time it may be important for you to avoid behaving in a self-centered or ego-centric manner.  Your leadership qualities may be tested now.
AQUARIUS  Jan 21 - Feb 19

You may find yourself focusing on your general path in life and even more particularly on your working life and career.  At an even deeper level you may be wanting to get a deep understanding of your role in life and how that is tied in, karmically, to your life path and career.  You are prone to be thinking and doing things on a more conscious level now and wanting to maximize your sense of self-control and self-determination.  You want the elements of your life, social and work involvements to be "on the table" and out in front of you for fully conscious and deliberate consideration.  You have a more businesslike attitude now and may feel strongly towards becoming more organized regarding your life and especially your working life.  You may not want to employ your imaginative thinking much at this time and you are likely to be rather impatient in respect to any "poetic" excesses or impractical thought from either yourself or others.  You probably have a greater degree of efficiency in your life now and are likely to feel rather business oriented and ambitious and very perceptive regarding matters in respect to contractual agreements or business "deals."  You are probably quite focused now and may have a greater ability of concentrate on practical matters than usual.
PISCES  Feb 20 - Mar 20
This is an excellent time for learning about the arts, or about things which are centered within the arts, especially the fine arts such as painting, sculpture, dance, poetry, drama and the like. You will also be attracted towards those things that provide a cultural learning experience or opportunity for you and this may even include a bit of travel. You may find yourself in a position of "ethical" mediator or instructive counselor that this time. At this time you may feel unusually spiritually inspired about a number of personal "developmental" issues in your life, particularly in respect to the overall direction that your life is going in and in the "existential" meaning that you might find in that direction. This may be an especially good time to engage in a new educational or learning endeavor that is not too demanding on your long-term time. You are likely to feel quite good about your goals now and may have more clarity than usual on those issues.   An excellent time to take in a good movie as well.

Monday, December 21, 2015

ARIES  Mar 21 - Apr 20

A beneficial interest in health may arise at this time.   Ironically that would be quite appropriate as your appetite may pick up now and thus you should be careful not to consume foods at this time that are excessive and really not needed by your body. You are likely to have a constructive attitude now in respect to work and towards getting many practical things done, as well as putting personal things in order.  You may very well accomplish many personal  tasks and chores now as your physical stamina is "high" and you are more detail oriented in your perception of your environment.  If you are currently employed you may find that working conditions change for the better now.  You may be a little bit more prone to experience an increase in anxiety or worry now which may be due to your not appreciating the long term goals and overall picture of your life, largely as a result of concentrating and focusing too much on the trees rather than on the overall forest -  don't let small things take too much of your attention now, at least not at the price of jeopardizing or sacrificing more distant goals.
TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 

This is a time when you may experience some frustration in respect to the exercise of your will, that is your "intent" in relation to activities or personal projects. There are generally two ways to look at the situation if in fact you find that to be the case. Perhaps your first reaction might be to become even more willful, wound up and intense about manifesting your intentions but the problem with that is that at this time you may very well overlook that aspect of life that is all too real in human experience, that is the inevitable encounter with "contingencies" - there ought to be an intuitive point at which time you come to understand that either life is not supporting your current endeavors or is not supporting your particular manner of application. And that is the point at which you might try the alternative view and application, that is one that takes account less of your particular intent and more of what life may be trying to "say" to you. But it is not simply that you might alliteratively take a look at your own personal environment, the situation and circumstances and conclude that a different plan of action is needed. Instead what may be required is that you become less "pro-active" and rather allow life to introduce to you to elements in your plans, goals, intentions, visions, etc. that, in your human limitations, you simply cannot see or predict currently. Certainly that requires a more passive and accepting view of your life "situation" than you may tend towards currently.
GEMINI  May 21 - June 21

This should prove to be a good period for the foundational aspect of your life, that is, home and family. You are likely to feel quite complacent, emotionally secure and have a general sense of well-being, at this time, at least in relation to the familiar aspects of your life.  You will likely enjoy quite deep and peaceful sleep now and you may even receive guidance pre-consciously, if not consciously understood, through your dreams.  You may find that the idea of changing residence may enter your mind at this time.  You are likely to find that your home becomes the place of choice for you now, even insofar as entertainment is concerned.
CANCER  June 27 - July 23

This would be a good time in which to make a conscious, extra, effort towards being patience and cooperative in respect to family members - that may counterbalance any tendencies to the contrary.  You should also watch for any self-centered impulses that you might subconsciously be manifesting, now, in relation to family members.  This would be a good time for rigorous work around your residence, especially work that may involve using a good degree of physical effort.  You may find yourself going to bed rather later than usual and that may be due to your feeling a bit restless at night - as a remedy, you might consider doing some physical exercise before retiring in order to dissipate any tensions or anxiety that might keep your mind from relaxing sufficiently.
LEO  July 24 - Aug 23

The foundational aspects of your life may require attention now - that is, that area of your life that includes your sense of community and belonging, most centrally experienced through family and home or "residence."  Renovation or repair work in respect to your residence may be required now.  There may be a need to take a look at some "structural" issues in respect to your home, such as the roof, walls, drainage, doors and the like.  Issues centered within and revolving around the family may become more apparent than usual now, especially in respect to your father. In any case there may be some challenges in relation to your family where responsibilities should be carefully considered, that is in contrast to engaging in any impulsive action that might lead to greater restrictions later.  You may feel like you have a personal quest to establish security and stability now, especially in respect to your family and community - a sense of "belonging" may be quite important to you at this time.  It would be wise to be realistic regarding any rent or mortgage issues now - exercising responsibility may keep the "control" in your own hands.  If you are having difficulties with sleep or disquieting dreams it might be best to try some mild exercise prior to going to bed.
VIRGO  Aug 24 - Sept 23

You are likely to feel quite peaceful now and to be in a rather compromising and harmonious spirit and attitude and you may attract others now more than usual as they may become attracted to your accepting, graceful and accommodating manner.  Your financial scenario may either be changing a little for the better or you may have a perception of that pending possibility.  You may have a greater tendency now to desire sweet things and to take in more calories if you are not careful to avoid that.  You may not feel very physically active at this time in that your present disposition is more inclined towards socializing and the arts or entertainment.  This should prove to be a good time for socializing and/or entertaining.
LIBRA Sept 24 - Oct 23

The whole context of communications, in your day-to-day experiences may begin to feel circumstantially restricted and limited.  But what might seem to be a handicap now will actually bring you into a lifestyle mode that you may later appreciate as being a type of leverage.  Now is the time to really focus and concentrate on just what is essential as far as your day-to-day lifestyle and communications are concerned.  In other words, you may become very busy in terms of your daily responsibilities and thus any indulgences in unneeded, impractical communications with others would really limit the time and energy that you would have that would otherwise go into getting more important things done.  Your current daily responsibilities may seem quite pressing  so it is important that you prioritize now.   There may be a slight tendency for your to think negatively now and to conclude too often that things won't work out but instead of using that doubtful thinking to come to a less than positive conclusion of what may unfold it is advisable that you apply practical thought to the reality that is, as opposed to the imagined scenarios that you think might be.  Thinking that is based on the current facts of your real-life situation can be helpful in relation to your being assured that what you connect with now is substantial and real.  The paradox is that this may lead towards greater happiness whereas imaginative or wishful thinking might just lead to "disintegration" or illusion.
SCORPIO  Oct 24 - Nov 22

This would be a good period in which to be conservative in respect to your spending patterns - spending more than you really have to spend could become a significant problem now. It would also be an appropriate time to take account of your personal assets so that you get a clear and certain picture of the state of your personal finances and resources in general - if that view is not already intact. Financial restructuring could become a reality at this time.   It may be important to relax your muscular system at this time by engaging in moderate anaerobic exercise.
SAGITTARIUS  Nov 23 - Dec 21

At this time, there may be some confusion experienced in relation to your family or to a family member.  A lot of emotion may surround around a family member now.  The feeling will not  necessarily be negative, but compassion may be called for now.  This will likely be a period when you tend to sleep more and, in general, feel a little less energetic, so getting plenty of sleep may be important to you. Your dreams, at this time, will likely be more vivid, colorful and more powerful than usual and this may be a time when, if you were to understand what your dreams are saying to you, you may gain valuable insight into the direction of your life through your dreams.  Be sure not to jeopardize your residence at this time by taking any risks in relation to any water or plumbing problems that you might experience.  If you are having any kind of problems with water it would be appropriate to attend to that promptly.
CAPRICORN  Dec 22 - Jan 20

You may feel rather compulsive at this time and may tend to "jump the gun" regarding reactions and decisions.  You are likely to really "feel" the courage of your convictions now and to be unusually straightforward or even blunt in respect to asserting those convictions and/or feelings.  It might be a good time to remind yourself that life is a two-way street and that often relating to and being with others involves a need for balance and compromise.  You may feel very disinclined to take any orders now and you may be especially impatient with those who may attempt to relate to you in a dominating or manipulative manner.  You can assert yourself and you very likely will but it may be important now to be careful as to how you assert yourself, that is, you can use reason and grace and still get the point across - it is not necessary to be abrasive and it is certainly not necessary to "explode" reactively if you wish to express your "rights."  Interpersonal "political warring" may lead to you "shoot yourself in the foot."  But, on the other hand, this is certainly a good time in which to make your rights known and to express your values.  Try to keep cool.
AQUARIUS  Jan 21 - Feb 19

You may find yourself in a brief period of uncertainty about some aspects of your self and your life and if this is the case it likely contains an association with that part of your mind that is not entirely at the "cognitive" level - that level that holds fully conscious awareness and deliberation regarding personal issues in your life.  In other words your mind may be influenced by your preconscious now - the level of your mind that precedes the conscious mind.  Images, memories, emotionally charged thoughts, perhaps a degree of sadness, fear and confusion may possibly influence your thinking now.   But the act of your mind's plummeting the depths at this time may paradoxically bring deeper peace and complacency.  The gatekeepers that allow access to that deeper peace may be courage and spiritual strength.  You may find "rational" thinking to be a little bit more challenging and you may find that your typically more refined logic alludes you or that you are not at the height of your analytical sharpness.  On the other hand your imagination may be quite charged now, that intuition is stronger and that there may be a greater sense of psychic and spiritual attunement.   Attempts at compensation now insofar as self-assertion or patterns of aggression in social relations will do more harm than good as this is not a time for personal projection in that what gets projected may have more to do with the historical "shadows" or complexes that do not likely form any permanent part of your relatively more constructive personality.  Any confusion or fear that motivates you now may be far more obvious to others than you think.  Internal resistance is not necessarily the answer either as attempts to dismiss or repress deeper personal insights now may disallow you the benefit of later clarity and growth.  Now is the time for simply lying low, being humble and perhaps more "quiet" than you normally might be - in other words going within yourself may seem quite natural currently as you are likely more introverted than usual.  This is a very good time for introspection, meditation, extra sleep and dream content.  You may find it quite worthwhile to pay attention to your stronger intuition regarding what's ahead shortly - a period of greater clarity and certainty.
PISCES  Feb 20 - Mar 20

This may be a time of rather intense, short term changes or adjustments for you.  You will likely feel an unusual amount of intensity at this time.  The important thing to keep in mind is that without change we cannot bring in new and often valuable circumstances or experiences into our lives.  Focusing now only on what you presently have may create a desire to cling to old and familiar situations that may give a temporary notion of comfort but do not allow you to fully open up to new possibilities in the very near future.  Fear of change or of losing what you are familiar with could become a bit of a problem if the situation demands change for the better.  It is advisable to make an extra effort to apply reason at this time, especially where your mind helps you to transcend current emotions that are not fully supportive of your personal development.  Be courageous and open to constructive change now.  Looking  beyond the moment to the new possibilities that change promises may help you to better adapt and accept any transformations that seem to be pressing now.

Monday, December 14, 2015

ARIES  Mar 21 - Apr 20

At this time you may find yourself dealing with some "legal" issues - the nature of those issues perhaps giving rise to a consideration of significant principals involved in your present circumstances.  In other words this may be a somewhat ethically sobering time, involving a morally charged situation in which a decision may have to be made or at least a definitive position taken and made clear to one or more individuals.  Difficulty and stress should not so much be shied away from as faced in order to resolve any current tensions or unsettledness.  Mental tools that may have to be mobilized now might include a sense of structure, integrity and fortitude.  The actual contexts in which this may be played out might include legalities, aspects which involve foreign or international cultural interests or even educational concerns.  Likely the more beneficial or constructive part of this experience may include learning, growth and development.  It is advisable to take a sober look at any travel ideas or plans at this time.  
TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 

This will likely be a good time for relationships in general and for intimate relationships in particular - things are very likely to be in a real state of harmony between you and those with whom you are in close contact.  This is a good time to reach an agreement with another and to engage in compromise that allows both yourself and another to mutually benefit from your particular relationship at present.  You tend to look at the world in positive terms now and you may find yourself more attracted to the good that you see, perhaps more easily now, in others - a good time for socializing.  
GEMINI  May 21 - June 21

This is likely to be a time when your emotions are very much intensified and whatever is viewed now in your mind will likely be felt more strongly than usual.  The "free floating" emotional intensity may increase the feeling you have regarding those things that are "value charged," and  may prompt you to see things in terms of  "survival," that is, in the psychological and social senses of the word.  You may experience things that are a little challenging now, perhaps as perceived "threats" to your current status and for that reason it is important to try to let go a bit and be as accepting of what comes into your life now as an event or experience, invited or not.  The important thing is to maintain your moral integrity and to have faith in the future.  This may be a period of constructive change/s for you in which it is necessary to let old things go in order to clear the way for new things.
CANCER  June 27 - July 23

Your thoughts and general awareness may shift more to the external, outer world now and that could certainly include a greater awareness of others.  Your thoughts are more likely to be in an "objective" mode now and judgments regarding your outer world may come easier now and perhaps more intuitively.  You may be significantly more prone to forming agreements, with others now, especially where that may pertain to business interests.  This should prove to be a good time for compromise and negotiation and there will likely be more communication with others at present.  A close relationship may increase in it's communication aspect.  Partnership issues in business or marriage may arise now.  This is not a time when thoughts will remain internal to yourself - confidences may be gained at this time.
LEO  July 24 - Aug 23

In terms of your outer world this may very well be a period in which you are called to duty, so to speak, that is, there may be necessary tasks and responsibilities that must be taken care of and in that sense you may now be in a position where you will be expected to be of service to others in a more direct sense than usual.  This is a time for focusing to the maximum.  Any specialized working skills or knowledge that you have could be really put to the test now and be made direct use of.  You may be required to become more organized in your personal and/or your working life and be called to account for something that others, in your personal sphere or working environment, would like to inquire about insofar as your responsibilities are concerned.  In terms of your inner world you may find yourself a little more prone to worry and anxiety now but that can easily be remedied by getting down to your most practical business and affairs and really getting things done.  Your mind is more prone to think in terms of detail now and you are inclined more towards fussiness in respect to conditions around you being just as you want them to be.  Your mind is probably sharper than usual and you tend to express that in your communications with others, in the sense of coming across in a more critical manner.
VIRGO  Aug 24 - Sept 23

This may be a period in which you feel rather restless physically - for that reason alone it might be a good thing to exercise now, that is to curb the type of energy that you may feel, especially in consideration of the fact that feeling compelled or driven to do something, just on the basis of temporary drives, can lead to erratic and impulsive decisions.  Often a good counteractive influence in relation to impulsiveness, or a tendency towards being headstrong, is to simply relax your nervous and muscular systems.  There may be a bit of a tendency now to spend more money than you have to spend - try to think carefully before you go with your financial impulses now - you may want to acquire different things more intensely that usual.  Being aware of your temperament and slightly increased disposition towards agitation may help you to avoid getting into arguments with others, due to your feeling easily agitated.  This is not a "negative" or "destructive" period but there is a need to use your mind to balance your energy-based impulses.  It is a time in which you should be careful as to how you are applying yourself and also as to how you use your personal resources and, again, that includes spending patterns.
LIBRA Sept 24 - Oct 23

During this period it is likely that you may experience a little confusion about the direction that your life is headed in.  This is likely just a time when you will being going inward, into the deeper part of your mind, to find what it is that your heart, soul and spirit would really like to attain or acquire.  There may be some initial confusion, especially regarding your sense of direction, because of old internal frames of reference that no longer have as much meaning or significance as they once had.  When the fog lifts you may very well find that your goals have changed in some aspect or another or that they really have changed entirely.  This may be a more spiritual time in your life and you may find yourself a little more withdrawn, introspective and meditative now.  Your dreams may become more powerful in their impact on your mind now and it may be an important thing to make note of what they are trying to tell you.
SCORPIO  Oct 24 - Nov 22

There is likely to be some degree of confusion in your life now and you may be strongly influenced by unconscious desires.  You may even feel a bit drained due to being pulled down by unconscious drives or quests that are taxing your conscious mind against it's own will.  Activities that you engage in now may take on an element of secretiveness and may even operate in a mode of seclusion.  There may be a need to disguise identities in a manner that maintains your privacy.  If you are a little troubled by a confusion of purposes now then do not be worried that you will miss out on anything because you are not quite able to take deliberate conscious action, rather accept this as a time when life is subtlety introducing a change or two into your life so that your familiar frame of reference is only temporarily "suspended."  Try to relax and accept a little necessary change.
SAGITTARIUS  Nov 23 - Dec 21

It is likely that your mind will now begin to focus on your material resources, personal assets and finances.  Your mind will tend more towards practical thought now and - you may find yourself doing some financial planning.  This may also be a time in which you are more inclined to think of your body - even if you don't act on your assessment of your physical condition it will likely register now that you are either feeling OK with your physical shape or that your shape is in need of attention.  
CAPRICORN  Dec 22 - Jan 20

Your mind is likely to be quite active now and that may be due the to internal stimulus of your own body now as your nervous energy is likely to be quite high.  Your mind is like a double edged sword right now - that is to say that the potential to get many things accomplished is there due to the abundant mental energy that you have but at the same time there is also more of a tendency now to get distracted by something that is just passing but which nonetheless ends in completely drawing you in and taking you down a path that is quite diverting from what is the regular business or routine of your life.  You are also highly prone to talk significantly more than usual as well as to re-think things that you may have thought that you already drawn conclusions on.  The important thing now is not to get too caught up in ideas, either through conversation and planning or through endless thinking about things as opposed to doing them.  In other words try to take that extra mental energy as fuel for really planting the seeds of thought into the soil of reality by engaging real practical action.
AQUARIUS  Jan 21 - Feb 19

This should prove to be a good time, both financially and socially, for your working life, be that as a job or in your career.  This is a favorable time to promote harmony in your working life, especially in respect to seeking working compromises that accommodate all individuals concerned.  This is also a good time to increase the comfort level of your surroundings in respect to your day-to-day life in the context of work - in other words it would likely be timely now to introduce improvements to your work environment, including any daily, home-based work that you do.
PISCES  Feb 20 - Mar 20

At this time you may find yourself dealing with some "legal" issues - the nature of those issues perhaps giving rise to a consideration of significant principals involved in your present circumstances.  In other words this may be a somewhat ethically sobering time, involving a morally charged situation in which a decision may have to be made or at least a definitive position taken and made clear to one or more individuals.  Difficulty and stress should not so much be shied away from as faced in order to resolve any current tensions or unsettledness.  Mental tools that may have to be mobilized now might include a sense of structure, integrity and fortitude.  The actual contexts in which this may be played out might include legalities, aspects which involve foreign or international cultural interests or even educational concerns.  Likely the more beneficial or constructive part of this experience may include learning, growth and development.  It is advisable to take a sober look at any travel ideas or plans at this time.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

ARIES  Mar 21 - Apr 20

Involvement's with others at this time are likely to be more intense than usual.  It will be important not to let your emotions override your reasoning power at this time - if you begin to feel real emotional intensity that causes you discomfort to the point of wanting to make drastic and compulsive changes to your social life or in respect to a particular relationship, then take a bit of time to think before you act.  In the financial department it would be wise to take a second look at what you might spend your money on - make sure the object that you are thinking about buying is truly worth the expenditure.
TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 

This is a time during which you may experience difficulty in respect to group situations or group involvement.  It would be wise to be careful not to get too involved with others now such that you cannot extricate yourself later without experiencing personal loss.  In other words it would be particularly advisable to avoid any types of social entanglement currently and that of course includes overly committing yourself in respect to others drives or projects now.  Obviously this certainly might include investments of any type, including finances, energy and time.  Ironically this is a good time for business if you have a significant degree of separation from others, including partners, with whom you are doing business - in other words boundaries are important now, as well as maintaining a measure of independence.  On a more subtle level it would also be in your best interests to be very careful in terms of physical intimacy or "expression" currently as that as well is a type of investment where you may feel one way or another more a part of another's world or be led to feel that way or responsible for same unless you indicate that you are less inclined to becoming an "us" in contrast to just being "you and me," as one might interpret the physical expressions or involvement - so therein be careful of the signals that you send so that they are not misinterpreted and, as well, be careful of your or another’s passionate impulses for which you might choose not to be responsible.  On an overall level this time in your life may include some difficult or challenging changes - you may be asked to let go of something that you are trying to hold on to.  Understanding that everything changes sooner or later and being willing to transcend your own self-centered interests may be significantly helpful now.
GEMINI  May 21 - June 21

At this time the focus will largely be on relationships.  Important issues involving your need to make compromises or accommodations for your close relationships or partnerships may form in your consciousness now. Because the accent is on others at this time, it will not likely be of any benefit to you to be in an significant state of social withdrawal or seclusion.  You may simply experience this time as one in which you are "compelled" to give your one-to-one relationships some significant focus and this may definitely include meeting "the other" half way.  Personal vanity is particularly subject to downfall at this time because this is especially a time when the "required" focus and consideration is on "the other" as opposed to yourself.  You may have to place your own vanities and drives aside for the time being and lend time and energy to another for his or her benefit.  Even if you are not directly involved in taking special measures in supporting another it is likely that you will at least have to curtail your own drives and purposes in respect to your need to consider how another's needs may not be sufficiently met if due consideration from you is not given - it is important to keep in mind now that life is a two-way street.
CANCER  June 27 - July 23

This is a time when you may be busy focusing on the individual trees that constitute the forest.  Be careful not to get caught up in too much detail so that you neglect to be mindful of any  general overall plans that you project towards the future.  That detail may lead you down a path that you had not anticipated and that could end up taking you quite far from your original intentions.  On the other hand focusing on individual component pieces that fit into an  integrated whole may allow you to gain substantial ground now in respect to goals.  One step at a time will eventually lead you to where you want to be, as long as you stay focused on the goal/s ahead.  Communications with others may increase enormously now and you may find yourself as somewhat of a coordinator and facilitator of messages and information between different parties.  You will be quite inclined now to take a variety of short trips as the weeks and months pass.
LEO  July 24 - Aug 23

This will be a good week for time spent at home and with family.  You may be more inclined than usual to want to stay at home as opposed to going out and your daily decisions regarding activities may testify to that now.  This will probably be a good time to catch up on any needed sleep - you may find sleep to be more sound than usual and dreams to more prominent now.  You may want to redecorate your home or rearrange things during this period as you are more inclined to be conscious of the appearance of your home, the color patterns and coordination of furniture and other objects in your residence.  Relations with family members may be contain an extra element of harmony and cooperation now and it would be a good time to resolve any conflicts with family members.
VIRGO  Aug 24 - Sept 23

At this time your mind is likely to be in a mode of thought which is characterized by harmony and balance.  You are more inclined now than usual to experience a mutually gracious attitude in your communications with others - conversations certainly should prove to be desirable and pleasant now, in fact, this would be a good time to write a letter to another, who you would have relate to you now in a manner of compromise and balance.  This is an excellent time for any type of negotiations and agreements, especially ones that need balance.  Relations with family members should go well now and you may find yourself taking a number of short pleasant trips.
LIBRA Sept 24 - Oct 23

You may be more concerned about your finances and money in general, than usual now.  That may be, in part, because you are also more attracted to objects of beauty now than you typically are.  In fact even artistic things will probably hold a greater attraction for you than usual and that will likely include the dramatic arts as well as physical objects.  In short, you are not in your most practical mode at this time - and that may cause you to spend more money than you should.  It might be a good idea to try to curb your desire nature to some degree now.  In any case, you will probably indulge in and enjoy some harmless pleasures more than usual now but try to apply some moderation, especially in relation to food, such as pastries, as you are probably a little more inclined to gain weight now.

SCORPIO  Oct 24 - Nov 22

You are likely to feel quite peaceful now and to be in a rather compromising and harmonious spirit and attitude and you may attract others now more than usual as they may become attracted to your accepting, graceful and accommodating manner.  Your financial scenario may either be changing a little for the better or you may have a perception of that pending possibility.  You may have a greater tendency now to desire sweet things and to take in more calories if you are not careful to avoid that.  You may not feel very physically active at this time in that your present disposition is more inclined towards socializing and the arts or entertainment.  This should prove to be a good time for socializing and/or entertaining.
SAGITTARIUS  Nov 23 - Dec 21

You may find that at this time the spotlight is on you regardless of whether or not you want it to be. This will be a significant time for exercising your strength of character and maintaining your integrity. Your personality is stronger now and more projective and your energy level is likely higher than usual as well.  This would be a good time to act in a rather independent manner and from the inner-most core of your own personality.  Be careful not to come across to others at this time in a manner that is excessively confident or arrogant.  This would be a good time to demonstrate your values through constructive examples in contrast to just "talking the talk."  You may feel rather independent at this time and more inclined to "go it alone"  but at the same time it may be important for you to avoid behaving in a self-centered or ego-centric manner.  Your leadership qualities may be tested now.
CAPRICORN  Dec 22 - Jan 20

You are likely to experience a good deal of social grace now within the context of friendships - you may even gain the financial or material favors of a personal friend and benefit from the general goodwill, generosity or support that a friend offers or gives graciously at this time.  At this time there may be a prompting or even temptation to become more involved with another who has hitherto been just a friend or acquaintance - be sure that the changed or increased involvement is appropriate and emerges naturally from emotional intimacy so that the change in the status of your relationship doesn't hurt anyone else.
AQUARIUS  Jan 21 - Feb 19

This is a time in your life in which the circumstances and situations that you find yourself in will vary considerably from day to day, perhaps so much so, at times, that you will feel like you are playing a game of chess with life.  It is important to keep in mind now,  that major plans might have to be suspended until the pattern of your life becomes more stable and predictable.  Your use of electronic equipment for communications purposes is quite likely to increase at this time - that is, you may find a greater need or use of things like faxes, e-mail, pagers, voice mail etc..  It is also  important that you have some method or technique for relaxing your nerves and  maximizing tranquility in your busy, on-the-go type of lifestyle at present.
PISCES  Feb 20 - Mar 20

It is important, in the context of friendships now, that you separate interests and ideal personal pursuits, on one hand, from values, on the other, as the two are not always the same.  Even though another, who may pose as a friend, may have strong common interests, it should not be concluded that he or she will treat those interests in a manner that befits your personal value system.  Object and application (treatment) are two separate things.  Especially if you discover that a "friend" or acquaintance is attempting to manipulate you into using  the commonly shared interest or objects of interest in a manner that pools your resources with theirs and confuses ownership or personal boundaries - this can certainly include the use of your time and energy and if that is the case, then it might be best to really assess the worth or your involvement with that individual.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

ARIES  Mar 21 - Apr 20
The accent now will be on the expansion of your knowledge base, either through brief self-directed study or through instruction from others.  You may have the urge to travel now or at least engage in some sort of activity that allows you to experience and learn from a different culture than your own.  You may find your "spirit" and thoughts as being a little more lofty than usual and more inclined to think in terms of your overall life, plans and goals - in fact, you are likely to be more goal-directed now than usual, especially in terms of the long range plans of your life.  Your thoughts are more likely to be more readily metaphysical and spiritual in nature at present.
TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 

At this time it would be best to be very careful in respect to the manner in which you relate to others as you go about your daily practical business and as you are in the process of taking care of mundane responsibilities, especially at your place of work.  Minding your own business may, quite simply, be the best personal policy at this time.  Others may be somewhat more predisposed towards argument and strife in relation to you now and it would not be advisable to give them something to go on.  You may have a tendency, at this time, to be more picky than usual about what you do in your work and what others do in their work associated with yourself - it may advisable to add an extra measure of tolerance and compromise.  This is a good time to concern yourself with detail but try to avoid being aggressively critical in your perceptions of other's (small-scale) imperfections.
GEMINI  May 21 - June 21

In relation to others, you will likely find yourself as quite action oriented now, that is, your mode of relating to others is likely to involve activity as opposed to being just communication-based.  What this could equate to is a mutually shared project that could be based on work or it might amount to an avocation or business activity that is common to both of you.  It is important, though that you apply moderation though in your endeavors with others as your drives in relation to partners could be significantly more aggressive now, and without some measure of grace, could cause offense or even direct antagonism and conflict.  Try to avoid impulsive and aggressive behavior in relation to others unless the situation is one that requires a "defense."   It would be a good idea to exercise as much patience as you can in relation to any intimate partners in your life as there may be a tendency towards impatience and argument.  Sales persons may appear in your life in a manner that becomes a concern as the aggression is likely to be experienced both ways, that is, someone may act in an aggressive manner towards you and try to get you to conform to his or her will, with their best interests intended, rather than your own best interests - be careful in respect to anything that anyone has to sell (to you).
CANCER  June 27 - July 23

The central focus of your life, at this time, is likely to be on practical work and mundane responsibilities, especially in regard to putting your affairs in order, such as in sorting out your finances and in listing the day-to-day priorities in your life.  Attending to things that must be done, regardless of whether or not the activities themselves are "boring" or "unstimulating" will be important now.  Try not to leave any responsibilities undone, unfinished or at least unaccounted for now as you may find yourself having to pay a heavier price later for neglecting those things than  you would as compared to taking care of them at present.
LEO  July 24 - Aug 23

This will likely be a time of increased self-confidence and strength of self-expression.  You will likely project your personality more dramatically than usual.  You may find yourself attracting more attention than usual and it would be wise to check yourself now for increased vanity and competitiveness - keep in mind that humility is a virtue if you find yourself tempted to blow your own horn now.  This is a time when you will be more inclined towards seeking entertainment and pleasurable pursuits and you will likely feel more romantic than typically.  You may have a stronger and more intense interest in the arts now - this would be a good time for seeing a movie or reading a novel.  Be careful not to take too many risks now as there may be a strong inclination to gamble with things of value.  Recreational pursuits may be indulged in to a greater degree now, than usual.
VIRGO  Aug 24 - Sept 23

At this time the foundational aspect of your life will play a major role and will likely either be at the forefront of your mind or be intuitively drawing on your awareness.  Your home and family will take on a major role and gain the focus of your attention.  Your focus may be taken up with home improvement or interior and exterior decorating now.  Activities such as painting, buying new furniture or home renovation in general may kick into play now.  Interaction and identification with family members may also take on a central role in your life currently.  More extensively, identity with your community may now become important to you, including your residential environment in general, in fact some under this influence may begin to consider a residential move.  All of these issues may significantly impact on or be quite tied up with your sense of emotional security and certainly, if anything, you will find yourself to be more sensitive now, especially in respect to those issues that you directly or indirectly identify as being the basis of your existence or roots.  You may be more in touch with your preconscious mind now and for that reason your dreams may have a seemingly greater impact on you at this time - if so, be mindful of the content of those dreams as there may be an important message there.