Monday, January 28, 2019

ARIES  March 21 - April 20

Your "frame of reference" for your thinking at this time may be your "ideals," plain and simple, and thus you may be less inclined to compromise those ideals in the face of external social pressures. In terms of decision making though you may find yourself subject to rapid changes of mind at this time and so your ideals may serve as the measuring rod.  You are likely to be more mentally clear currently and thus less affected emotionally in relation to thoughts or decisions that may require logic, regardless of feelings attached to same.  Your communication is likely to be more rapid than typically and that may be reflected in the rapidity of you or your friend's mutually shared speech with each other.  In fact this may be a period in which you are significantly more inclined to communicate with friends.  Others may see you as being or coming across as more emotionally detached at present.  You may even seem to be or feel to be oddly alienated or disconnected from others now despite substantial communications.
TAURUS April 21 - May 21

You are likely to find that you are now focused on your life as a working whole, that is, you are prone to looking at the integrity of all of the elements of your life as they are working or not working in respect to your life path and especially insofar as all of your current activities compliment your working life, career and position that you take in respect to your family, be that as care-provider or "breadwinner."  At this time it is rather less likely that you will be simply satisfied to see things "intuitively" and in terms of probability, rather, you want certainty now - you really want to see all the cards on the table and to take a totally conscious and deliberate view of what you are involved with and with what you can and cannot control.
GEMINI  May 21 - June 21

You may experience this period as brings an element of confusion into your working life or career.  This will likely not be the best time to try to make a cognitive, non-intuitive decision and that may be simply due to your not seeing all the elements that should be ultimately considered.  In respect to your working life or career, deception may come into play and thus it may be important to be careful, based on what is only apparent, not to make conclusions too quickly - that is, what is indicated to you may not be the ultimate reality.  If you begin to feel, at moments, a little lethargic or even discouraged about the substance and nature of your work, it is best to ease up a bit and try to relax, let go a bit and get more rest at present - it is not very likely a time in which you will benefit by pushing yourself to an unusual degree, regardless of extra incentives to do so.   Self-identity, perhaps as a result of factors in your working life, as opposed to your more personal life, may become an  issue, so it may be important to keep in mind that what you do is not necessarily your personal essence and therefore equations as to who you are may be falsely drawn at this time if you do try to define yourself through your career or working life.  In respect to your general perception of the world and particularly where decisions are attempted now, it may be best to use your intuition, especially where "logic" or the "rational" perspective regarding decisions doesn't seem to be very facilitating.  In other words your subconscious mind or your intuition may have more significant bearing on what is anticipated in respect to your future.
CANCER  June 27 - July 23

You will be inclined to explore mystical and spiritual things at this time - the "emphasis" will be on learning.  There will be a tendency to think in idealistic terms and others may find you somewhat distracted now as your imagination may "remove" you to a degree from your immediate surroundings.  You may tend to view things in a more philosophical way now and may see yourself in what you would project to be your ideal state in the future.  Your imagination may take flight at this time by projecting itself in a foreign, exotic country and so there may be some urges to travel now.
LEO  July 24 - August 23

Your thoughts and general awareness may shift more to the external, outer world now and that could certainly include a greater awareness of others.  Your thoughts are more likely to be in an "objective" mode now and judgments regarding your outer world may come easier now and perhaps more intuitively.  You may be significantly more prone to forming agreements, with others now, especially where that may pertain to business interests.  This should prove to be a good time for compromise and negotiation and there will likely be more communication with others at present.  A close relationship may increase in it's communication aspect.  Partnership issues in business or marriage may arise now.  This is not a time when thoughts will remain internal to yourself - confidences may be gained at this time.
VIRGO  August 24 - September 23

This should prove to be a good period for the foundational aspect of your life, that is, home and family. You are likely to feel quite complacent, emotionally secure and have a general sense of well-being, at this time, at least in relation to the familiar aspects of your life.  You will likely enjoy quite deep and peaceful sleep now and you may even receive guidance,  pre-consciously, if not consciously understood, through your dreams.  You may find that the idea of changing residence may enter your mind at this time.  You are likely to find that your home becomes the place of choice for you now, even insofar as entertainment is concerned.
LIBRA September 24 - October 23

This is a time when you may be busy focusing on the individual trees that constitute the forest.  Be careful not to get caught up in too much detail so that you neglect to be mindful of any general overall plans that you project towards the future.  That detail may lead you down a path that you had not anticipated and that could end up taking you quite far from your original intentions.  On the other hand focusing on individual component pieces that fit into an integrated whole may allow you to gain substantial ground now in respect to goals.  One step at a time will eventually lead you to where you want to be, as long as you stay focused on the goal/s ahead.  Communications with others may increase enormously now and you may find yourself as somewhat of a coordinator and facilitator of messages and information between different parties.  You will be quite inclined now to take a variety of short trips as the weeks and months pass.